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IDFWU: Olicity Fans

B-I-G SEAN DON, you know Big Sean. He's got this now classic song titled "IDFWU" which stands for I don't fuck with you. Like Big Sean, I don't fuck with a lot of stuff. I got a million trillion things that I'd rather be doing than fucking with you. But, it's best to always tell someone when you don't fuck with them. You know who I don't fuck with? Olicity shippers. I really don't fuck with them.

For those of you who don't know what an Olicity Shipper is allow me to explain. Green Arrow is this really awesome comic book character that has been around for decades. He's basically Batman with a heart, but will also kill if he needs to and won't force orphans to work for him. He's one of my favorite characters. I write about it sometimes. He's the star of the TV series Arrow which kind of follows his story, that's another thing. Anyway, there's a few constants in comics. Everyone comes back to life except Jason Todd and Uncle Ben, Captain America is always the hero, Heroes aren't parents, Superman loves Lois and Green Arrow loves Black Canary.

See the sitcom Arrow has changed things up. Oliver now loves Felicity and Laurel is dead. Myself and other comic readers feel one way about this. Our heads are exploding because even if you make Oliver Queen into Bruce Wayne you don't do that. You turn Laurel into Selina Kyle if that's what you're going to do. But, nope, they filled her with bullet holes and dropped her in a grave. Then Oliver and Felicity got married, broke up and got married again at Barry and Iris' wedding. Olicity fans are fans of the Oliver and Felicity relationship. That's fine, even in the comics they've both messed around with other people. But they always come back.

The problem is they're all crazy, abusive, toxic and dark disgusting cloud looming over the show now and forever more. You think I'm joking? It all started with the #ByeByeBirdy campaign where they celebrated the death of Laurel Lance, Black Canary. I know what you're thinking. Sure, I laugh at characters dying all the time. But, I don't harass the actors and actresses that play these characters. That's ridiculous, it's out of line. On one occasion Stephen Amell, the actor who plays Oliver Queen posted a photo of himself and Katie Cassidy, Laurel's actress. The harassment was so bad, the photo had to be deleted.

Did I mention they go after these people's personal lives? I know, I just said it, I just wanted to make sure you were listening. On a separate occasion one Olicity maniac took the time to post negative remarks about Stephen Amell's real life, every day, "kiss the kids for me," wife. Only to turn around and ask what episode they're shooting. That is psychotic. It's not even the craziest thing they've done.

See, when Laurel died, effectively writing Katie Cassidy off the show, they celebrated. How did they celebrate? They sent a dead bird. That's right, some sick jackass either killed a bird or found a dead bird, found her address and mailed the dead bird to her. That's a serial killer tendency. If you get joy out of hurting small animals there's a 100% chance you'll be a serial killer. Olicity fans are serial killers. It didn't stop there, they also spammed hundreds of images of gruesomely murdered birds across twitter, facebook and sent to the personal emails of critics such as Andy from HeroicHollywood.

I mean, it's even personal now. Have you seen the shit they send to the @BlerdsOnline twitter handle? The block list is a mile long. The block list is racists, hompophobes, misogynist and Olicity nutjobs. In fact, one of the ring leaders Royal Stilleto, or something stupid like that, I can't even be bothered to look up her Twitter handle, tried to lead a boycott of Blerds Online. She sent was sending out tweets to sites like Black Girl Nerds, saying we were harassing her, secretly misogynist white guys pretending to be black guys who were also misogynist. We had been around like a month at that time. We didn't have time to be misogynist or harass anyone yet. We didn't really know what we were even going to do at that point. Of course nobody believed her and I just blocked her so it was all good in the end. I remember Stephen Amell saying he didn't like Olicity fans and she harassed him on Twitter. She got called out by William Shatner and she hit the "if you disagree with me you'

I honestly try not to give them any attention because despite all the crazy shit they do, they always play victim. Take for instance the recent Twitter fight with showrunner Marc Guggenheim. I don't like Marc, I think he's ruined what could have been a great show. But, they constantly harass the poor guy. I mean, I tweet that he should be fired, but I don't mention him in the tweets. He doesn't need that. Because every day they're filling up his mentions with hate because he isn't giving Olicity enough time. Like damn, they killed Laurel, they're married with a kid now, what more do you want? You won. They're claiming fans of the comic harass them, but most fans of the comic have quit watching the show. I know I only stay because I just really like Green Arrow and I want the show to get better. How do you send dead birds to people and feel like you're the victim.

It's the fucking entitlement and hypocrisy that makes me really hate them. You literally spend all day harassing people on the internet, attacking their personal lives and the moment they respond you play victim. You send death threats every day. I know because I've gotten a fair amount of them, not that any amount is really fair. Fuck you all, fuck Olicity. Since they want Oliver to be Bruce so bad I hope they make Black Siren into Catwoman and they get married.

No matter how much Oliver goes back and forth between being The Punisher and Spider-Man, I'll keep watching. It doesn't matter if Curtis can braid and unbraid his hair moments. Diggle's home life isn't addressed as much as it should be. None of that matters, I keep watching the show because the worst part of the show isn't the actual show. It's the fucking Olicty fans and the fact that they were able to get their way through threats, intimidation and just being fucking psychopaths. I don't fuck with them, and I find myself wishing the day when Felicity gets written off forever. That way they'll stop watching the show, we'll get a comic book ending and it'll be cancelled on a good note. Until them I'm still watching. I'm still tweeting my disgust. Fuck Olicity fans, you're a major part of ruining the television series for one of my favorite heroes, I don't fuck with you.

You should buy Darrell's Book, watch him on the Blerds Online YouTube Channel or The CP Time and Powerbomb Jutsu podcasts. 
Darrell S.

Hey, I write stuff, a lot of different stuff, that's all.

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