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Flame of Recca Volume 8 Review: Fire and Water Do Get Along

Chapters 68 - 77

Like a normal ninja or someone who trains for life or death situations, Recca decided to get up at 3 am to train. During this training Yanagi begs Tokiya to come look for Recca and she somehow cuts her hand on a rusty gate. She was barely next to it and it doesn't even look like she cut it on the gate. So Tokiya decides to suck the blood out because they were outside and it would prevent her from getting infected. Recca got jealous and they beat the shit out of each other before their next match.

Later that day its time to face Team Uruha Oto which consist of the bad ass Neon as the leader, the super fast Miki and the ever so cute Aki. Aki is a short haired goddess by the way. I kind of have a thing for short haired girls. Aki carries the Magogu of Kotodama which allows her opponents to see illusions that can have an effect on their body physically. The group let Domon fight first and in the beginning it seemed he would lose because he kept having to be helped by Fuko yelling out cute things to wake him up. It was pretty smart of him to use her power against her. I don't k now why that loophole is there because anyone can beat her in that case. On top of that she was physically week case he literally one shotted her and it was over. Anyone with a strong mind could have beat her.

Everyone in the arena could clearly see that Tokiya and Recca were having problems. I don't understand when all they did was bicker a little. Every one instantly knew they had trouble just from a little spat which made no sense. But because of this Neon proposed a two on two fight with them and after calling them pussies, they accept. So Miki uses her Idaten Madogu which allows her to move super fast. How fast we don't know. Madogu maybe weapons but some like Domon's nose ring and Fuko's Fujin, they can become stronger over time with the user. Miki was just fast enough to not get caught by a normal person. Idaten seems cool but without any physical strength its pretty useless. After Tokiya and Recca stopped fucking with each other they easily beat her.

Neon was a challenge because they couldn't get close to her due to Fukyowaon her magical flute Madogu. This Madogu is pretty cool. It has several different attack patterns and packs a punch along with a secret weapon. But if you look close enough, like Tokiya did, you can figure out the direction of the flute's patterns. Neon just like the others seemed to have no physical strength because she resorted to the last attack of killing her self along with everyone else once Tokiya knew her strategy. Honesty they all had cool Madogu but they were wasted on them because they had no physical strength for close combat. If Recca had Madoka in the beginning of the fight he could have beaten them both alone. All her would have had to do was caste a force field, move in close, and then go for the final blow. This fight was cool but I remember clearly, it was better in the anime. My favorite part of this fight is that Tokiya was about to kill her but Recca saved her. Neon living would not have done much for the story so it doesn't matter but it would have been cool for him to kill her. At least we got to see her left boob though.

Their next opponent is the team of Uruha MA who the leader is a new member of Uruha recruited by Kurei. The leader bodied the only person in the series who could rival Kurei who is the strongest in the series. His Madogu shot a human head at Jisho and killed him on impact. I have no words for this badassery. And that was just him. He took out team Uruha Kurogane by himself. Team Hokage is not ready for them. I don't remember them being in the anime but at the same time the anime took a lot of things out and didn't finish. An example of this would be Kureis's background. They didn't mention him having a mother in this current time who was being held captive by Koran. Made me have actual feelings for him. By the way his mother is smoking hot. She aged well.

This was a pretty decent volume compared to the others we've read so far. The action was mediocre because Uruha Oto was lame. Kaganei could have taken all of them out if he wasn't injured. Neon was cool until we got her lame back story which was also not in the anime. Thank You. At least she's hot. The next volume will no doubt be even better so tune in next week for the exciting volume. So, are you fighting Uruha MA or going home like me?

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