Superman: Harvey Dent
"I only wanted to help"
Harvey Dent was born on a dark day, his entire birth surrounded by darkness. The organization Nightwing had created Earth-9s first superhero with their Miracle Solution. They wanted to recreate this success so they went to the small town of Viceroy, North Carolina. There they infected the towns entire water supply with the formula. The town only had 803 citizens and most were African American so ethics were meaningless in this time period.
18 months later the entire town had been wiped out minus a few inhabitants, they all died a horrible death, losing control of their minds until they could no longer function enough to fulfill their basic needs for life. On the day of Harvey's birth an entire army was assembled. They were prepared in case he was born fighting, because of the solution. However they were let down. Harvey was simple 10lb baby boy. His mother died giving birth to him and the military wiped out any surviving citizens of the town to leave no trace of their dark work.
Harvey grew up an orphan in New York. At the age of 23 he joined the police force. Harvey excelled at his job, although he was illiterate. However there was one problem, he was afraid of heights. Harvey also became a great negotiator. One day Harvey managed to overcome his fear for his job.
One day a man was on the tallest building in the city. Harvey managed to talk himself close enough to the man. He hand cuffed himself to the man. He was hoping he could talk the man out of jumping now. However the man was still driven to commit suicide and jumped, taking Harvey with him. Somehow Harvey stood up, unharmed, the other man was nothing but splatter and was unidentifiable.
Over the next few days, Harvey's latent powers began to show up. Harvey was initially illiterate, yet after his powers manifested he read every book in the library in less than a week. Harvey took apart and rebuilt anything he could with improvements. Somehow Harvey was now the most incredible man in the world.

When it was revealed that the first superhero Atom had been involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis the US government created the Justice League to track down and destroy super powered humans. The Soviet Union created a monster called the Ultra-Humanite this was all the proof that the USA needed. They decided to assassinate Atom and hunt down the other super powered individuals; Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern of Earth 9 are weird and cool at the same time, you're going to want to click those links. Green Lantern resurrected Atom as protector of good. Superman, Batman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman agreed to meet at the base of the Justice League of America. There they would fight the JLA until they promised to stop hunting them.
After stopping the JLA (Version made of super-humans) they went on to attack the and kill the Ultra-Humanite on the moon. Harvey used his mind for good. He went on to repair all of the damage all over the world that had been caused by the Ultra Humanite.

This went on for several years with Harvey slowly gaining control of the world. The world was actually peaceful with Harvey in control. However a group known as the Outsiders formed. This group wanted to free the world of Harvey's not terrible at all dictatorship.
Sadly the flooded the world with propaganda against him. Eventually they gathered enough support and meta-humans to wage war against Harvey. They were defeated. However, Harvey didn't kill them, he simply put them in one of his prisons. Harvey took time away to let the world think about what had happened. With Harvey gone the world once again waged wars on the regular. Once Harvey returned he once again caused peace on Earth. Now referring to himself as Superman, he creates world peace.
Then Tangent comics got purchased by DC and weird stuff happened and another bad ass character got written off. But I'm not going to sit back, nope I'm going to tell the story about how Harvey single handedly crumbled a second Justice League by himself and was only stopped by love.
So when DC purchased Tangent they had to merge the worlds, they did so and for once they didn't make a black guy disappear, like Battalion. During Infinite Crisis Harvey's sky filled with views of many other worlds. Harvey being a Tangent world wasn't affected like the other Supermen. He saw many possibilities, similarities and differences.
Harvey walked into the United Nations and told them that he would be ruling the world as a monarch. They obliged. He soon married Power Girl as his second wife. He worked with other meta-humans to create a better world after infinite crisis. During a visit from New Earth Harvey secretly read the mind of the New Earth Green Lantern, John Stewart. Harvey learned that there were hundreds of heroes and villains on their Earth. This disturbed Harvey and he wanted to bring the same peace to their world.
Harvey was able to create power rings, just like New Earth's Lantern Corps. With his wife Power Girl and friend Orion they embarked on a journey to bring peace to a second world. When Harvey arrived he met Superman Clark Kent. He explained that people like Clark were the reason this world didn't have peace as well. He was simply a caretaker to one area, Metropolis, while he had the power to solve all the world's problems. That's funny because Black Lightning called him racist for ignoring black neighborhoods in Metropolis, so he can't even protect one city.(This is called foreshadowing to future post, now you have to read every day)
Harvey's power was already greater than Clarks, with the added bonus of his power ring he easily left Clark in the dirt. Clark stood no chance, he didn't even land one punch. He was quickly beaten and demoralized. With Orion's teleportation power Harvey quickly traveled the world and gathered every world leader into one room. He let the entire world know that there would be peace now with him in control. Harvey destroyed symbols of leadership such as the White House, Los Pinos, Buckingham Palace and others. Who was going to stop him, he had easily crushed Earth's mightiest hero and sent a message. Harvey Dent was The Superman.
This is when things got weird. Harvey doesn't have the power of illusion, but somehow he ripped the Ultra Humante in half covering others in blood, but according to DC he faked the Ultra Humanite's death. So DC just revived a character with no explanation. WHATEVER, I'm rolling with it. Harvey now had the Ultra Humanite in his control. He used it to send out an EMP and disable all of the worlds communications and electronics. Now this get's stranger.
Batman somehow knew about Harvey's wife Lola that had died. But nobody knew about it, even on his own planet, so how did Batman know? BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!! Batman managed to find her, she had been hiding and she actually did receive the same powers as Harvey.
Harvey's wife Lola appeared because Batman somehow teleported her from Earth-9 to New Earth. Really this is just getting random, who wrote this? Lola said "Stop Harvey you've gone too far." That was enough to put Harvey in a state of shock. Long enough for Clark Kent to sucker punch him and knock him out. But Harvey had just beat superman without getting a scratch a few days prior? Then they locked Harvey in a prison stuck between Earths and sent him away never to be heard from again. I'm not even joking, they seriously had Earth 9's Green lantern create a prison between two Earths. Then they never talked about Harvey again. I'm not even joking. DC isn't allowed to buy other companies anymore.
Abilities and Equipment
- "Supreme" Telekinesis
- Flight
- Mind Reading
- Mind Eraising
- Force Fields
- Psy-Blast
- Energy Absorption
- Emotional Control
- Harvey managed to stop 3 Green Lanterns by taking their will away with his mind
- TK Shields: Places a Force Field around just his body
- Stronger enough to let him laugh at Superman
- Technopathy
- Shut down JLA Watch Tower from earth
- Control computers and such with his mind
- Pre Cognition
- Harvey has looked into the future and given himself new powers and skills to fight future challenges
- Energy Manipulation
- Harvey Powers Earth-9 with his own energy
Follow @OriginalKingD
He was a too goddamn powerful black man that whipped superman. Society doesn't like that
ReplyDeleteHe was too goddamn powerful. A black man that powerful whipping superman. Yeah they will not have that