From the ashes of Stormwatch Prime rose the phoenix Stormwatch One. On the first mission a team member died and Battalion considered leaving the team. They kind of black mailed him into staying by making his little brother part of the team. Now he had to stay.

He managed to turn the entire situation into a plus. He was able to learn his teammates from Stormwatch Prime were actually still alive. This is when I realized I may have been Battalion in an alternate dimension. He learned that he had to disobey orders to save his team. So he did the boss thing. He broke free easily and went to save his former teammates. Nautica and Sunburst were really happy to see him and glad he was able to save them. However, Flashpoint has always been an open racist and hated Battalion. He wasn't happy at all, he'd rather die than be saved by a nigger. I'm not joking, he really said that.
One day Battalion was just hanging around in his quarters preparing for bed when a time traveler named Timespan took him exactly one year into the future where he saw everything had been destroyed. His father Despot, had almost taken over the world completely and he was dead in the future. Knowing that he wouldn't live Battalion became a new person. Consistently disobeying orders, putting himself in danger and he started sleeping with his teammate Synergy.
Eventually Battalion realized that he could just change the future. He requested a leave of absence. While he was gone he secretly reentered the ship to kill his father was in the prison, called The Ice Box. However he still viewed his father as a hero to him and couldn't pull the trigger.
Later Battalion had been working on his suit (A bulky war suit at the time,looking like a black Krogan) when Flashpoint came looking for trouble, unfortunately for Flashpoint he found it. With no suit Battalion beat Flashpoint badly and considered finishing him off once and for all to finally end their issues. Everyone on the ship had been cheering Battalion on, because everyone was tired of Flashpoint's shit. Luckily for Flashpoint, Battalion was called in for a solo mission before he could finish him off.
Battalion was sent to stop Maul who had been brainwashed Defile into dropping a bomb into an active Volcano. Battalion beat Maul and took the bomb with seconds left on the timer. This looked like the end for Jackson King. I guess he didn't change the future after all. Battalion used his suit's force field to wrap himself and the bomb. It exploded, and all that was left were pieces of his Krogan battle suit. With Battalion gone the future he saw became a reality.
Battalion had actually been saved by Timespan. He was sent back in time to change some things then sent forward as well. During the team's final fight with his father he appeared. Shocking them because he had been dead for months. To their surprise he was the real thing. He once again took charge of the team and stopped them from using the ship to kamikaze Despot, because that was the only plan they had.
During the fight the entire team except Battalion had been defeated. Despot sent Battalion's little brother to fight him. His brother Marcus had fallen to the dark side with his father since Jackson wasn't around to guide him. During his time traveling Battalion had managed to awaken and gain control of his psychic abilities. After easily defeating his brother, he allowed his father into his mind and showed the love that he had for him. Despot, was unphased and went for the kill. Timespan face palmed and sent Battalion back in time once again.
Despot went to wipe everyone's mind on the planet. However he's attacked by Battalion, in his krogan battle suit. It turns out he had been modifying it to teleport right before he had his fight with Flashpoint. With a little time travel he had the time to finish and train his psychic powers to crazy high levels, higher than any Stormwatch member before him. However he was still outmatched by Despot.
Despot had mind controlled Stormwatch and other teams that had been sent to stop them. But Battalion managed to defeat every last one of them. Despot attacked Battalion mentally, showing him every one of his failures since birth, because he wasn't a deadbeat father just an evil father. However Battalion was able to swap and show Despot all of his successes and all of Despot's failures.
Bendix teleported in to help finish off Despot but the entire team and Stormwatch plus Despot were teleported to an abandoned building. Battalion was finally able to defeat his father. After he got over the shock of killing his father he ran up to Timespan demanding answers on why he had been used. Timespan didn't have the time to answer questions, so he simply threw Battalion into the future.
Battalion showed up right before a rescue mission and was able to save his old teammates who had been captured shortly after their battle with Despot when they had taken time off. During the mission the team learned Flashpoint had been working for Deathtrap for a long period of time and he was never actually a prisoner. Flashpoint expressed his hate toward Battalion, not only was he a nigger, but he stole the leadership position from him. Flashpoint had never been considered leadership material by anyone other than himself. Battalion didn't feel like listening to another one of Flashpoint's racist rants, so he did what people had been expecting him to do from the start. Batallion blew up his Flashpoint's head with a psychic blast.

Bendix the Weatherman, the head of Stormwatch decided to take a firmer stance on evil. But Battalion disagreed, so when he was made into a trainer. Yes, the star player was put on the bench. Bendix justified this because of Battalions relationship with Synergy. Battalion was furious about this and had returned to his serious personality, sadly proving Bendix' point that he was too emotional and could become a liability in the field.
When Battalion learned that his brother had been captured by Bendix. Bendix decided to start capturing other hero teams with his own secret team, because if the world needed to be saved again, it was gonna be on his terms and in his style.
Battalion showed up to rescue his brother only to realize it was a Hero Battle Royal. Several different teams had been manipulated by Henry Bendix, who revealed he has been dying for a long period of time due to illness. The teams were all fighting and before Battalion and his brother managed to regain control every team had a few deaths. But Battalion was okay, because his brother and Synergy were safe and that's all that really mattered right?
After these event's Battalion was selected as the new Weatherman and placed in control of Stormwatch. The first thing he did was make sweeping changes to the organization. Battalion fired several team members, he allowed the team to operate in public once again and even scheduled press conferences. However the members he fired were actually a secret team he had assembled to go on covert missions where Stormwatch wasn't allowed (usually countries not in the united nations or dictatorships, think North Korea).
However some of the team disagreed with him when he refused to save a Alternate Universe Earth because it's population believed they had no right to interfere in the fate of another universe. Some of his team was upset by this but many of them supported his decision to not interfere where he was not requested. This and the fact that in the Alternate Universe Jackson King killed half of Stormwatch trying to save it. Stormwatch was later attacked by a group of aliens who had hidden on an asteroid. Jackson saved most of the team but the team was still disbanded.
During this time he settled down with Synergy and got married. However Synergy was still suffering from PTSD after the alien attack. One day in a depressed state she attempted a murder suicide. She shot Jackson through the back of his head. Jackson fell to the ground bleeding. But for some reason this bullet increased his power level. He was able to remove the bullet with his mind and became even more powerful.
While this was happening the UN decided they needed Stormwatch again, but they were broke, I'm not surprised. They decided to form Stormwatch PHD with a majority non super powered humans. Each team of Humans was led by one or two super powered individuals. Jackson thought they would ask him to join as a squad leader. But they realized that his failure wasn't his fault and placed him in control yet again.
I have no idea what happens next. They actually destroyed the Wildstorm universe when DC bought it. Jackson grew a beard and started wearing his bulky Krogan looking armor again, then led a team of refugees to find Doctor Earth. They were looking for a guy named Doctor Earth, who had never been mentioned before. Somehow before they reached Doctor Earth, the universe just blew up. Seriously they just blew up the whole world with no explanation and left everyone in a state of limbo.Thanks DC.
Abilities and Equipment
- Telekinesis: Strongest In Wildstorm Universe
- Telepathic communication
- Thought reading
- Memory reading
- Mind detection: Able to sense others presence by their brain waves
- Psi-blasts: can erase minds
- Psi-shields: Can also create handcuffs and other physical weapons
- Psi-scanning: Able to scan for brain waves he's felt before
- Illusions: Always has one up to hide his injuries
- Specialized Internal Telekinesis: Jackson's powers work on his muscles as well
- Increased reflexes
- Strength amplification: up to 100 tons
- Routing psychic powers through circuitry
- Manipulation of electricity
- Flight
- Teleportation
- Weapons Expert
- Hand to Hand Combat
- Trained Pilot
- Psi- Gun
- Jackson was able to build a gun to channel his psi-blast through witch increased their strength over 100x and has sense developed smaller models
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